Brains! Brains! We need brains!
OK, who took the hood prop and why?
Mechanics have a language all to themselves.
Switching from shop to shop may
not be the best for you or your car.
Communication is the key. Just make sure it's the right info.
Absurd but somewhat factual.
Visiting a foreign country and how they deal with automotive repairs.
Parts pricing can raise a few eye brows and a few tempers.
What era do you associate with?
Which way is up and is that north?
It's nice to take a break from all of today's electronics when you get a chance to work on a car from a simpler era of cars.
Is it real or is it just TV magic?
Ya get comfortable with your average day, but sometimes it's good to experience somebody else's average day.
Buy parts before diagnosing.
Nothing surprises me anymore.
A never ending battle finding your tools.
Automotive sounds from the past
Everybody is a mechanic...
Sometimes you have to find
more than one way of explaining
I don't think staying at the "Inn" will
make you a mechanic.